Fiber speed boat built aroundyear 2000/2005, ready to use , private owner, now for sale in PHUKET.
Thai registration for 8 passengers, ready to change owner.
Length 5.1 meter, width 1.6 meter, easy to drive . Just need to redo seat cushions to make it look nice.
Powered by 1 outboard 2 stroke engine YAMAHA 85 hp , just serviced and in good condition.
Cruise 15 knots, speed 25 knots.
GPS, solar panel, many storage, bimini, new steering wheel, bilge pump, full cover and many extras.
More information, message or call HENRI 0636382661, speak French/English.
PRICE: 330.000 Thai Baht or 9634 USD for this boat ready to use.